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The Processing Entity is:
BHP-Szkolenia i Obsługa Firm Magdalena Osipiak
80-442 Gdańsk ul. Lelewela 36/165 Poland
Entered into the Commercial Register under the number 69794.
The processing of personal data: name, second name, date of birth, employment start date, the name of Employer, job position is done solely for the purpose of issuing the Periodic OHS Training Completion Certificate. The data above are stored for 30 days from the date of creating the account via electronic way, properly secured, encrypted, pseudonymisationed and after the date automatically removed from the server. The paper version of the training documentation is stored as long as legally required for H&S trainings certificates validity, after that is destroyed in an authorized institution. All doubts and questions should be directed to: biuro@bhp.gdynia.pl or via phone nr: +48 600 318 313.